Thursday, August 14, 2008

(August 15, 2008) Soldier Boy Grip Comic & Commentary Of The Week...

A Soldier Boy Grip Moment Of Clarity

(c) R2C2H2 Tha Artivist/ Ronald Herd II From The Arthur 'Soldier Boy Grip' Taylor Chronicles

"Throw away your fears and prejudices then, and enlighten us and treat us like men, and we will like you more than we do now hate you....Treat us like men, and there is no danger but we will all live in peace and happiness together. For we are not like you, hard hearted , unmerciful , and unforgiving. What a happy country this will be, if the whites will listen. What nation under heaven, will be able to do anything with us, unless God gives us up into its hands?...Treat us then like men, and we will be your friends. And there is not a doubt in my mind, but that the whole of the past will be sunk into oblivion, and we yet, under God, will become a united and happy people." ~From David Walker's Appeal

Aug 12, 2008 marked three years since the transition of my maternal Grandfather into Ancestorhood...But, his spirit lives...

As I reflect upon this man who was my true father figure I often wonder what would Soldier Boy Grip Taylor been thinking, doing or saying right now if he was my age at this pivotal moment in history...

Being born into the heart of Jim Crow Amerikkka, he was actually baptized into an ongoing Black Holocaust which to date has not still be given proper study and analysis...I don't mean Cable News Documentaries and/or halfhearted snake oiled apologies from the floor and halls of the U.S. Congress, but a true reconciliation and compensation based on the facts as well as the effects of Amerikkka's hatred and envy of its darkest citizens by way of the historical record...

The reason why my Grandfather and his generation was called the greatest generation was because they were the most brainwashed generation...They were under the spell of a terrible lie...A lie which was more pleasant to hear than the truth...A lie that we all still want to believe...The Lie:We fight wars to make the world safe for democracy...The Truth: We fight wars to make the rich richer...We Fight Wars To Keep Uppity Colored Folks In Their Place...

And the ironic thing about Amerikkka is that her "freedom fighting" is heavily depended on its most enslaved citizens: African Amerikkkans...

This year marked the 60th Anniversary of the Desegregation of the U.S. Military forces by U.S. president Harry S. Truman...However, his act wasn't fully realized until after The Korean War which still featured segregated units...Also many U.S. military bases and camps in particular in the southern U.S. states practiced the religion of Jim Crow racism well into the 1960s...

Although these honorable men of color and distinction were hailed as heroes and defenders of liberty abroad, their U.S. Homecoming was less than enthusiastic and receptive...Many times as in the case of the famous Evers Brothers (Medgar & Charles) these brave veterans were turned away from the voting polls at gun point and some were even lynched in full uniform...Medgar was even denied entrance into the University of Mississippi Law School even though he had earned the entitlement of the G.I. Bill to rightfully attend...These things were taking place less than 60 years and not 150 years ago...

I say this because we are supposedly moving towards a post-racial society...I remember hearing Barack Obama remarked that we are 90 % there...Which is funny because I agree...We are 90 % there not because we are progressing and striving towards something positive, but because we are forgetting and regressing towards something less celebratory and woefully negative....Unlike the resourceful and tenacious Jewish people who vowed to never forget, we as Black folks seemingly can't wait to get amnesia and fall into a Terri Schiavo-like comatose state...We have literally taken ourselves out of the game by not confronting our true history, adversaries and demons...

You cannot say stop living in the past when you don't know history and that you are indeed alive...You can't say history repeats itself when you don't know what the hell you are repeating...
The State & Face Of Black Amerikkka reflects the lies and falsehoods we have accepted as truths far too long...Too many generations have been seduced by the high falutin' Jezebel known as Lady Liberty with her unfulfilled promises & infidelity...She has laced our melting pot with rat poison and has fed and seduced us with her contaminated goods for 400 years...Now we find ourselves lost in the wilderness with a jones we can't seemingly cure and a hurt that time can't seem to heal...

We must now more than ever in our winter of discontent find the motivation, wisdom, vision and courage to control our lives by being accountable for our destiny...We must now painstakingly learn how to turn the wilderness into farmland to feed and sustain our people...We must now turn the poison into an antibiotic to cure and heal our people...

We Must Resurrect LIFE From The Crypt Of Death!!!

Seek Knowledge Don't Defend Ignorance...

(R2C2H2 Tha Artivist is host and editor of Tha Artivist Presents…W.E. A.L.L. B.E. News & Radio & He is also the author of James Reese Europe: Jazz Lieutenant…He can be reached by e-mail

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